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In September 2022, care heroes will meet at the 6th specialist and congress fair for rehabilitation, therapy and care in M-V

inRostock GmbH
Weiterbildungsseminare PflegeMesse
Beratungen auf der PflegeMesse
Untersuchungen auf der PflegeMesse
Mitmachaktionen auf der PflegeMesse 2018
Alterssimulationsanzug zum Ausprobieren auf der PflegeMesse 2018
Interessante Vorträge im Ausstellerforum
Verleihung des Altenpflegepreisen in MV auf dem Landespflegekongress

In September 2022, foster heroes will meet at the 6th specialist and congress fair for rehabilitation, therapy and help care in Rostock. Together with partners and exhibitors it is our goal to strengthen the help care in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and further. Around 3,500 nurses, therapists, but also employees from public administrations, social associations and educational institutions receive an ideal platform for information, networking and further training.

At a glance:

– Information: Numerous exhibitors will present the latest developments, trends, processes and products for the care industry

– Networking: Attend the most important networking conference in the industry and receive benefits from the “Landespflegekongress” taking place at the same time

– Further training: The “Landespflegekongress” with the lectures and specialist program of the care fair, offers various further training services on the first day

The leading trade fair in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is an must-attend event for all those who responsible in the care industry. The developed concept of trade fair and congress is the key for this successful event. 

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Approach With our arrival service!



Zur HanseMesse 1-2, 18106 Rostock


Coming from Berlin via A19, B105, Warnowtunnel (toll), first exit HanseMesse, follow the parking guidance system HanseMesse. Coming from Hamburg via the A20 and west feeder (B103), follow the HanseMesse parking guidance system. (There are 1,332 parking spaces available at HanseMesse)


From Scandinavia from the overseas port via the B105, Warnowtunnel (toll), first exit "HanseMesse", follow the parking guidance system HanseMesse.


From Rostock main station with the S-Bahn (direction Warnemünde) to Lütten Klein station (approx. 5 min).


The HanseMesse is designed barrier free to be accessible for disabled people without any problems and also offers many other services for wheelchair users.



Grünhufer Bogen 1a, 18437 Stralsund

Phone: 03831 304326
Fax: 03831 304314
